The Unexpected Benefit of Napa Power Outages
Planned power outages are taking place in Napa County, home of many fine wines. While this could spell trouble, the winery owners mostly seem to be handling the circumstances. Many have finished harvest and are employing generators to keep conditions favorable for fermenting grapes. Fortunately or not, many of the wineries had already invested in generators when the 2017 wildfires took place. Some are also looking to store their grapes at other facilities that still have power. Napa Valley Vintners spokeswoman Cate Conniff pointed out that "winemakers are farmers, who are used to dealing with various weather and environmental disasters". For those who are choosing to let their grapes hang a bit longer than planned, there may be unexpected benefits. Conditions are cool enough that the grapes will be able to develop richer and more complex flavors while retaining freshness. If you buy fine wine, you may find the 2019 vintages from Napa to be not just fine, but exceptional.
Associated article here
Photo @opusonewinery
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