Once called “…one of the world’s most singular and distinctive wines” by noted critic Robert Parker, Château La Mission Haut-Brion has long enjoyed a strong and loyal following. Dating back as early as the 17th century, the property was cultivated by the Congregation of the Mission, a religious society of Catholic priests and brothers founded by St. Vincent de Paul. The men were dedicated to viticulture and caring for the land, and their society gave the Château its name. The property changed hands multiple times, but its purchase by the Woltner family in 1919 positioned the estate for a new level of renown and respect. Both Frederic Woltner and his son Henri harnessed the best of the Château’s terroir to eventually develop Haut-Brion’s identity as an immensely full-bodied, powerful, fruit-rich wine. Sold in 1983 amidst Woltner family conflicts, the Château was purchased by Domaine de Clarence Dillon S.A., and Jean Delmas was appointed to lead its winemaking techniques. True to its history, La Misson Haut-Brion is not only considered to be one of Bordeaux’s greatest wines but also one of the entire world’s most desirable.

Mission Haut Brion Wine List
